Offset Printing PT Mukti Indo Utama merupakan perusahaan penyedia Paper Cup and Lunch Box berbagai ukuran dan custom design. Contact us Marker Rich result Line UV Offset Printing Dengan mesin berteknologi canggih dan modern terbaru dari Heidelberg, proses pencetakan lebih efektif dan kualitas hasil cetakan lebih baik. Contact us Marker Superior quality Line Paper Cup & Lunch Box Mukti Indo Utama berfokus pada produk paper cup & lunch box untuk wadah tempat makanan dan minuman. Contact us Marker Focus Products Line



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Direct marketing, using catalogues, was practiced in 15th-century England and Europe. The publisher Aldus Manutius of Venice printed a catalogue of the books he offered for sale. In 1667, the English gardener, William Lucas, published a seed catalogue, which he mailed to his customers to inform them of his prices. Catalogues spread to colonial America, where Benjamin Franklin is believed to have been the first cataloguer in British America. In 1744, he produced a catalogue of scientific and academic books.

18th century English entrepreneur and potter Josiah Wedgwood developed modern marketing techniques and was an early advocate of direct mail.

Meeting the demands of the consumer revolution and growth in wealth of the middle classes that helped drive the Industrial Revolution in Britain, the Following the industrial revolution of the late 18th-century, a growing middle class created new demand for goods and services. Entrepreneurs, including Matthew Boulton and pottery manufacturer, Josiah Wedgwood, pioneered many of the marketing strategies used today, including direct marketing.


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With a full team of marketing experts at your disposal,
anything is possible

PT Mukti Indo Utama merupakan perusahaan percetakan dan penyedia produk paper cup , Paper Bowl Cup dan lunch box berbagai ukuran dan custom design. Didukung mesin cetak canggih dan modern dari Heidelberg, proses pencetakan lebih bagus dan warna yg menarik.

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Jl. Muwardi Raya No 15 - 16A
Grogol, Jakarta Barat

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